Friday, September 23, 2016


Fun Fact: Volcano in Italian is Vulcano

There are currently THREE active Volcanoes in Italy. According to a website called Understanding Italy, "Italy is home to three active volcanoes, all located in the south of the country. Mount Vesuvius, in Naples, is the only active volcano on mainland Europe. It is famous for the destruction of the Roman towns of Pompei and Herculaneum in 79 BC, an event described in great detail by Pliny the Younger" (

According to an article posted on BBC News Europe, In 2003 Efforts were made to put in a warning system that would warn the Island where Vesuvius is and people up the coast of Italy as well, including the warning of people if a Tidal Wave is coming, "within 10 minutes, we will have alerted the whole coast" Says Emergency Official, Elvezio Galanti.  

To Read the full BBC article click here. 

Active Volcanoes in Italy
NameHeight (m)Last Activity
Mount Etna3,329Continuous
Mount Vesuvius1,2811944

Image of MT Edna

Dormant Volcanoes in Italy
NameHeight (m)Last Activity
Campi Flegrei4581538
Vulsini800104 BC
Colli Albani9505,000 BC

- See more here

"BBC NEWS | Europe | Early Warning System for Stromboli." BBC News. BBC, 07 Jan. 2003. Web. 23 Sept. 2016.

"Italian Volcanoes, Volcanoes in Italy, Volcanic Activity Italy, Mount Etna, Mount Vesuvius, Stromboli,active, Dormant, Extinct Volcanoes." Italian Volcanoes, Volcanoes in Italy, Volcanic Activity Italy, Mount Etna, Mount Vesuvius, Stromboli,active, Dormant, Extinct Volcanoes. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Sept. 2016.


  1. Very good post this week. I was close when the Etna erupted around 1988...pretty cool sight for sure.
    I cannot seem to see your pictures this week. You see them ok?
    FYI, there was a good review about 'Pompeii' in a science blog that is worth reading...

    1. Hi Anna, I will fix the pictures how weird I wonder what happened.

      That is really cool that you got see the eruption, I bet it was kind of scary though too!

    2. I was so amazed that it was too cool to be scared..I do remember it was extremely cold...for some reason, I thought of fire and lava spewing and not that is was on top of a mountain...he,he,... thank you for fixing the images. they are really useful.

  2. I've always had a fascination with Pompeii. I've read somewhere that the gases and heat from the eruption were so overbearing, it turned people into ashes instantly. Mount Vesuvius is very famous, like the beautiful country it is housed in. Great post!
